Sunday, January 2, 2011

Last year I was FEARFUL.. this year I am FIERCE..

It's crazy how sometimes I leap before I think."Live life with no regrets..Really?"  Well, that was back in 2010. This year everything is gonna be alright...

Last year, I ....... this year I..... cause everything is gonna be alright

  • Last year, I was fearFUL about everything.... this year I am fearLESS about everything cause everything is gonna be alright.
  • Last year, I took upon a load that well I couldn't bare... this year I am only going to take things one at a time its all gonna get done cause everything gonna be alright.
  • Last year, I swear I was SUPERWOMAN, trying to help everyone with an issue but forgetting about myself... this year ME comes 1st so I won't end up a CATWOMAN...lonely with 30 cats... you folks are just gonna have to deal with that... but I love ya'll tho everything gonna be alright
But for real tho, I can't complain tho.  Last year, was a good year.. it actually was a great year cause I learned alot about life and relationships with people and most of all I learned a lot about me.

What I learned or what was brought back to my remembrance in 2010

  • Don't jump to conclusions... wait a minute or 2
  • Ask questions & don't be afraid of the answers... it just might be what you are looking for
  • Pay attention to detail at all times because you just might need some of that information
  • Love makes the world go round but honesty, understanding & communication makes it function properly
  • Take a walk on the wild side, it's fun but don't get too buckwild 
  • Dreamkillers are the biggest haters 
  • FOCUS!!!!
I learned plenty more but I don't want this to be too long... What did you learn back in 2010 and what are you looking forward to this year in 2011?



  1. Great Post!!!!!!!I Totally Feel This!!!!!!! :-)

  2. Man you tellin me I can't be out there killin dreams no more??!!!

  3. @kelly - thanks
    And no "dream killing".. that's for people without lives & ambitious... if i hear that you are somebody going out there killing people's dreams... umm I will find you.. so you can Run & them that Anonymous (that line, never gets old for me for some odd reason.. shame ) :-)
