Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Drama Queen Leeches: Who Needs them ? Not I.

Topic of the Day: Why do Females Love Drama?

I am a women that tries to stay away or out of drama but, for some reason I always slip in. I am not a women that craves the action of drama in my life, I barely like it on the big screen or in the media half the time. For some reason, I get involved because I am always trying help a friend or solve their problem and most of the time, I end up making the problem my problem and then I end up with scars and all I was trying to do is help.

Additional Questions:

Why do women like to add their friends into their drama?
When women get out of one situation why do they put themselves in another situations?
When is it right to say "NO"?

I have the answer to my last question. The answer is NOW, RIGHT NOW. Tell all your friends, that have drama field lives to suck on an egg & leave your out of it. Just say "NO...."

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  1. Ha girl this is so true. I have a "friend" now that always comes to me with drama. Its like, dang girl, do you have ANTYTHING postive going on in your life that you would rather talk about. I am starting to think that some of these "friends" are just users trying to dump their problems off on you and then when everything is good, they don't want to be bothered....until some more drama comes aloong SMH
