Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Decision Time: To Be Selfish or To Not To Be Selfish.. That is Not a Question

Sometimes when you are making a decision, it best to think of both parties and not just yourself.

I seriously think if people would do that FIRST, it would resist a whole lot of trouble and solve more problems, but that's just my opinion vs the world's opinion thats says Me FIRST, You SECOND to LAST. If people were a bit more understanding and caring it would be a bit more easy to eliminate confusion, actually there probably would be less confusion because both parties would understand what the other person is doing is either for their best interest.

Hmm... or maybe we all should just be selfish and just care about our needs only and none of the other person.

Sounds good to me!!! I just might try it out for a couple days, weeks, or months... or maybe a year... instead of 2011 being the year of "Everything's gonna be Alright,"... I'm gonna change it to "Everything is gonna go my way or it's the highway," What you think? I just made that up on the spot.

Anyways, I'm joking, I'm not changing myself to be like other people and their selfish ways, I'm gonna stay me, caring little me.... I'm just gonna care less about people and more about me.

In other words, I'm gonna Mind my own BUSINESS & stay out of other people business. LoL I know that will help both parties... it's especially gonna help me and that's the best decision ever for me :-)

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