Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The We Need to Talk Discussion

Tonight's Topic:  When a women says she wants to talk to you what does that mean to you ?

When a women says she wants to talk to a man, it can mean any reason at all.

Here are some of the reasons why she wants to talk to you LOL: 
  • She is concerned about you and your well - being.
  • She want to feel you out to see if you have feeling for her.
  • She is nosy.
  • She wants to be apart of your life.

Truthfully, any of these reason can be why the woman wants to talk to you but, usually it's the last one...she just wants to talk and you are the person she feels she needs to talk to.  It's never that deep well for me it isn't.  

When I tell a guy, I want to talk to him, usually I just want to talk, eating, and have fun without any pressure or him thinking that I have hopes of us being together especially if he only sees us as friends.  To me, if I had those hope of that in return without let him know upfront would be foolishness and I'm not a fool or trying to fool anyone but any who what does this question mean to you.



  1. Ashleah, you are a genius. Just because a woman says to a man, "We need to talk," doesn't mean it's something bad. I think if a man automatically thinks the worst, there's some guilt inside or some type of fear.

  2. I totally agree with your reasons for a girl wanting to talk. If she wants to talk to you one on one it can be a boat load of things but i would never assume it was something more than just talking unless it was too obvious lol

  3. It depends when a girl say "shes wants to talk"
    if there are problems in the relationship then you should be worried, when a girl say it.

  4. I agree with you because me as a women when I tell a guy I need to talk, I really just want to talk. I'm not trying to trap him or nothing of that sort.. I just want to talk... LOL

    I really can't stand women who have hidden agendas, they really make things hard for good women like me. :-)

  5. well to be honest i agree with you...that is the same thing for men...just cause we say we should talk or i wanna get to know you doesnt mean we want to get with you...i mean thats like wow your ego is so big that you think i was interested in you like that...i just wanted to talk..k.i.s.s right? but in the same text women gotta watch their tones with how they say things because sometimes it sends different signals to different men......well considering ashleah..you and i dont talk at all outside of of the occasional hi!!!..i think maybe we should talk...so what does that mean to you O__O?..lol..i hope made a valid point and if i didnt i'll respond again

  6. Jason - exactly... I think all together I don't get the way some people think and occasionally I do tend to try to mind read but I'm no psychic tho.. so that's a FAIL. You are right women do need to watch they tones when they are talking to guys friend... like either you say exactly what you want or you just mean what you say and stick to it. Me... I just hate being misunderstood and put into a category with women who be telling guys they want to talk and likes get food and then they turn it into a date... I would never do that crap.. 1st of all I would never ask a guy out on a date.. I'm not that bold yet LOL.

  7. We'll me I'm a talkative guy and I love to listen. So of course I'd think she just wants to talk. I really become pro-guy on the these male/female debates just because it guys get accused of doing the same things girls do. But I know not all guys are like me, so I'm just here to say that I believe in communication... :) love ya girl

  8. I think its crazy that some women and even some men don't know how to just begin a conversation of significance without announcing it as "we need to talk". That statement in itself carries a heavy weight enough to make one wonder what is waiting on the other side of that statement. I think it would be looked at differently if it was not presented in such a high prioritized manner with heavy wording. If anyone wants to know anything about someone else the key is to be as direct as possible to avoid miscommunication. A lot of times people are afraid of the answer the'll receive from asking a question but yet you'll never know how someone truly feels unless you ask them directly.

  9. @Mic - I agree with you, when I say I need to talk to a guy, I really don't be meaning for it to sound at all like that because I'm not the deep at all. If I have talken to a person in a long time usually I like to catch up with the person to see how they been doing. And that is what I am working on is just asking direct questions so I won't scare anyone lol.

    @Ron - yes communication is key
