Thursday, January 6, 2011

Finally... Finish.. I have so many more drafts to go

Ok so when I write majority of my poetry are TO BE CONTINUED or left with some type of of cliffhanger... wait aint that the same thing.  Well, anyways I just finished a poem that I was working on in June of last year and I post it in August of last year and I just finished this year.

I know... that's horrible but I had got writer's block & I got distracted by LIFE... whatever.

Here it is :

Tell me what's on your mind
and I will do the same.
If you tell me you're doing fine
then I will know who to blame.
What actually does fine mean ?
All I ask is for you to explain
You say fine is fine,
why do you complain?
The truth is all I proclaim
I feel like you are hiding something
which is why I am going insane
You are not the same I tell you
You are not the same
You stare me right in the face
Tell me I need to find a place
So I can chill and calm down
I say ok
But with a frown
I settle down

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