Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Walk Alone

Right now, I feel so upset with myself. I'm so upset with myself that I am laughing because this is not me.

Have you ever wish you never met person that you have grown close to but not on purpose tho ?

Have you ever made a mistake that you promise yourself that you wouldn't make again?

Do you have any regrets?

Right now, how I am feeling I am regreting meeting one of my friends because I'm starting to feel like the way this person feels & acts with conflict is effecting me and my emotions because their emotions is damage. You know that saying "Misery like company" well that statement seems like it one of my friends favorite quotes because they likes attention and to me that selfish especially when you see that your friend is having a good day and then booom, good day turns sour for no reason at all.

Me & Overthinking - Weeks ago, I examine myself and my overthinking and it had lessed until today... I was fine until I had lunch and then afterwards I started feeling lonely for no reason... I don't get lonely easily cause usually I'm around people and I'm fine but for some odd reason I felt lonely and I was telling myself, that's stupid you have no reason to feel this way and you need to return that trade back to it's owner but the owner couldn't be found.

Anyways, to cut my story short... today I found myself drifting back into overthinking... and I was kinda upset with self over that... yes I'm over beating myself up because I know better but it just heart me because I dont like jumping to conclusions especially if I don't know what's going on.

The Effect of my Overthinking
+ I make things worst
+ I beat up myself about it
+ I hurt my brain with all the non sense thinking

Solution: Don't worry.. Don't second guess... No Mind reading

Decesion: Spend less time on social networks and negetative & unstable friend

---When I make a decision, I keep it especially if it's effecting the way I interact with other people ---

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  1. heyyy. you're the one who was telling me to stop worrying - hacuna matata (sp?), honey! remember that you're never alone because the good ol' Holy Spirit is chillin on the inside, and because i freakin love you :)

  2. Hacuna Matata... that's exactly what I needed to here right now :-) Thanks Jayn Doe :-) And you are so right.. he's with me all the time... I'm glad he never leaves my side also. And girl you know I freakin love you too.
