Friday, June 25, 2010

Men Step up to the Plate... Women Stop Compromising

Tag your it... Tag your it...

Hmm the good Ole days.

I remember back in the day... well, not my day but when my mom and her friends were growing up... there was this thing called "THE CHASE"

For those that don't know what I am referring to, let me help you out.

THE CHASE: When a man pursues a woman of interests that he want to date and eventually marry.

Now in days, it seems like the table have been turned or roles have been reversed or GUYS ARE GETTING LAZY... hmm I think I am gonna go with the last one. But I don't completely blame the fellas on this one because women we are making it TOO EASY for them.

GUILTY: I admit i have done this before many times when I have liked a guy strongly, wanting to be close to him and wanting to spend all my time with him which most of the time he doesn't deserve it at all.

Today, I was talking to my mom and I had made a joke about a friend of mine that I felt was potential (I was serious, but I wanted her to think I was joking... but she saw right through it... which sucked.. Role of Thumb: You can't trick your mom.. she knows everything... but anyways. She told me what i have been hearing forever, that if a man is really interest in you and wants you for himself, he will chase you. This man will hunt you down if he's really feeling you.

Women: We as women sometimes compromise and we just shouldn't because we can have what we want... just got to be patience and faith that God will give us what we been crying out for

* Make him want to come see you
* Don't tell him every single thing about you at once... leave some mystery.
* Don't RUSH, go slow
* Make yourself available, but not so much that to him, it seems like you don't have a life outside of him
* Tell the truth and stand up for yourself NO COMPROMISING

Men: Come correct!!! If you are really feeling these women like you says you are do all you can to keep her happy with you.

* Stop being lazy and go get your woman, the best one is not just gonna drop like an apple from a tree
* Give her some attention or at least let her know that you care by adding her to your daily schedule
* TALK... don't let her do all the talking
* MEAN WHAT YOU SAY either face to face, on the phone, via email or text

But for real tho, Overall Relationships aren't as hard as we make them, they are actually a bit fun and exciting when it is with the right person.

Let go back to the backyard, where things were simple...



  1. lol moms do know everything, lol awww Ashleah likes a boy (bet i know which one too).

    Dudes get lazy but (a lot of the good) women don't let us know they feelin us at all, I ain't saying girls gotta be super flirtatious and stuff but dang drop a hint. If the only reason I know a girl like some is because somebody who knows her tells me somethings wrong. The chase is fun, but it doesn't feel like its worth it if you think you cant catch her.

  2. LOL Justin, yes they know every single thing and detail... it scares me at times but I am glad I have one quite like mine :-) So I'm all smiles bout that but anywho No you don't know who I am talking about at all... or maybe nah...

    And you are right... that's very true sometime we as women don't want to be to forward if we know we are gonna get the same effect from the guy in return... you that saying "you put out what you want in return... something like that". And the girl should let the guy know, her friends shouldn't have anything to do what that... its a one on one relationship... not a guy, a girl, and the girl's friends... now that just sounds like a HOTT MESS... and that's not the way it should be :-)

    And that last part seems so sad... but all I say to that is Don't doubt your self... I hate it when guys do that... it sadden me.

