Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I love Bruno Mars

So this is how i feel..

Bruno Mars

So every since I've heard of Bruno Mars on "Nothin On You" and 'Billionaire." I fell inlove with his song and he seems like an awesome artsit, which is true.

Bruno Mars' real name is actually Peter Hernandez, he is 24 (10/8/1985), a songwriter and a producer. He came from a musical family giving him a diverse mix of Reggae, Rock, Hip Hop, and R&B.From a young age, he was impersonating and performing songs by influential artists such as Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. In 1990 Hernandez was featured in MidWeek magazine as "Little Elvis".

I also found out that he co- wrote "Right Round' by Flo Rida. He also has a solo album that came out in May, (where was I LOL) It's titled It's Better If You Don't Understand. This album is also produce by a production team that he is apart called The Smeezingtons. The album also features artist such as B.o.B & Cee-Lo

Click this link to hear Bruno Mar's Album
It's Better If You Don't Understand by Bruno Mars

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


This explains well part of me LOL
There is more to me that meets the eye
I love Fantasia.. and this jam is hott

Fantasia Barrino - I'm Not That Type

I love Lyfe Jennings Pt 1

So this is how I feel...

I heard this song last week on the Quiet Storm on V103. I was like WOW... and this is why I love Lyfe Jennings cause he always tells the truth... I needed to hear this right now. Cause I just been iffy lately.

and then there is Busy... i love this single (This is the reason to my Iffiness LOL)


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Travie McCoy: The Manual

Ok, so this is one of my favorite song from Travis McCoy's album Lazarus, which I love and you will too. This video is crazy but i wouldn't expect less from either T - pain or Travie. So watch and I also post a link for the album, so you can check it out. And that Young Cash guy can sing.... and that kiss... WHAT!!! Just watch :-)

Go head & Listen... you know you want to... you can't help yourself (Click the link)

Lazarus album by Travie McCoy


Goofy Mornings with Ashjak - Pineapple Theft LOL... I LOVE you Ari :-)

Hmm what to blog about..

HERE IS THE EVIDENCE...She just looks so cute eating my pineapples out the can... she could have got a bowl or something... she looks so cute tho.

Anyways this is all fun and games, I'm not mad at my sister at all... she got hungry... we all get hungry sometimes... NO.... ALL THE TIME... it's only natural... it's a way of life.

But there are some people out there that would go crazy if somebody ate there food. Like this guy...

LOL That was funny, right..

Don't eat my pineapple..



Friday, June 25, 2010

Men Step up to the Plate... Women Stop Compromising

Tag your it... Tag your it...

Hmm the good Ole days.

I remember back in the day... well, not my day but when my mom and her friends were growing up... there was this thing called "THE CHASE"

For those that don't know what I am referring to, let me help you out.

THE CHASE: When a man pursues a woman of interests that he want to date and eventually marry.

Now in days, it seems like the table have been turned or roles have been reversed or GUYS ARE GETTING LAZY... hmm I think I am gonna go with the last one. But I don't completely blame the fellas on this one because women we are making it TOO EASY for them.

GUILTY: I admit i have done this before many times when I have liked a guy strongly, wanting to be close to him and wanting to spend all my time with him which most of the time he doesn't deserve it at all.

Today, I was talking to my mom and I had made a joke about a friend of mine that I felt was potential (I was serious, but I wanted her to think I was joking... but she saw right through it... which sucked.. Role of Thumb: You can't trick your mom.. she knows everything... but anyways. She told me what i have been hearing forever, that if a man is really interest in you and wants you for himself, he will chase you. This man will hunt you down if he's really feeling you.

Women: We as women sometimes compromise and we just shouldn't because we can have what we want... just got to be patience and faith that God will give us what we been crying out for

* Make him want to come see you
* Don't tell him every single thing about you at once... leave some mystery.
* Don't RUSH, go slow
* Make yourself available, but not so much that to him, it seems like you don't have a life outside of him
* Tell the truth and stand up for yourself NO COMPROMISING

Men: Come correct!!! If you are really feeling these women like you says you are do all you can to keep her happy with you.

* Stop being lazy and go get your woman, the best one is not just gonna drop like an apple from a tree
* Give her some attention or at least let her know that you care by adding her to your daily schedule
* TALK... don't let her do all the talking
* MEAN WHAT YOU SAY either face to face, on the phone, via email or text

But for real tho, Overall Relationships aren't as hard as we make them, they are actually a bit fun and exciting when it is with the right person.

Let go back to the backyard, where things were simple...


New Artist: Aloe Blacc

New artist... well to me... I just found out about Aloe Blacc yesterday at work. I love his sound and I love his single "I Need a Dollar"...

Songs by Aloe Blacc

Just listen and enjoy.

Sidenote here is something from me
Don't Doubt... Figure it out 

Dreams are not meant to be stuck between a head and pillow 
If you have them go for the gold 
Go for what's down deep in your soul 
Let the spirit within you take full control 
Don't doubt... don't waver or fret 
I believe you can suceed in what ever you believe.. hmm that's a bet 
So man, women, boy or girl, don't sweat 
Don't doubt 
You are going in the right direction 
You just have to figure it out...... 


Remember the Times... I miss you MJ

Wow, I can't believe its been a year for the death of MJ... Michael Jackson. I miss him so much, I love his heart and passion for people and music.

Favorite Michael Jackson songs

Off the Wall
* Off the Wall
* Don't Stop Till You Get Enough

* Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
* Thriller
* Beat It
* Billie Jean
* Human Nature
* P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing

* Bad
* Dirty Diana
* The Way You Make me Feel
* Another Part of Me
* Man in the Mirror
* Smooth Criminal (Annie Are you ok... as I like to call it )
* Leave Me Alone - (I like to turn this jam up real extra loud when I don't feel like being bothered by the world... thanks MJ)

Umm I think you can tell which albums are my favorite LOL.. that's like the whole albume.

* Jam
* Black or White
* Remember The Time
* Who it It
* Will You be there (I love Free Willy)
* Dangerous

And then there is also
Blood on the Dance floor ,
They Don't Really Care bout us... I can go on for days about MJ...
oh yeah Butterflies.

That's just a few of my favorites... MJ you will always be remembered by me


Relationships & Facebook.. Think before you post

Ok so I viewed this video last year and I thought it was ridiculously funny because it's so true. Sites like facebook and twitter have been messing up good relationship, well at least they appear good for years. Watch this video and enjoy!!!

Facebook messes up relationship

So I admit to your all that I have been a victim of facebook and twitter. When you get to personal with social media, it becomes a part of your life. And that is why I believe everybody should limit their time with social media especially when you are dating or getting to know a person that you are attracted to. COMMUNICATION is KEY.

* Try checking your facebook at least once or twice a day.
* NO after midnight facebook chat with anybody... that can get you in trouble. Better yet GO to bed (You will be safe that way)
* Be mindful of who you ADD
* If you are dating someone or getting to know someone be mindful of what you want to be PUBLIC ... it can cause anger & jealousy
* Have respect

Overall THINK BEFORE YOU POST... just saying


Monday, June 21, 2010

What is on Your mind... I promise you can tell me.. I won't get MAD

Ok this has been buggin me lately. Ok everyday, I learn a lesson about the way "men think" either it's from a few of my guys friends or its just from observation... but sometimes I get confused again. So I got bored like usual and did some reading. I decide to go to Search Your Love and i read this article titled Men & Women: differences

What I have learned over the years is that men and women have different values, priotires, and habits.

Men grasp a situation as a whole and think globally, while women think locally, relying on details and feelings.

- Men are builders and creators. They take risks and experiment, while women select the most valuable knowledge and pass it over to the next generation.

- Men are more independent in their thoughts and actions, while women follow the ideas or suggestions of a friend (GUILTY)

- Women’s self-appraisal is lower than that of men. Women tend to criticize themselves, while men are more satisfied with their own performance.

- Men and women have different sources of satisfaction.
MEN - career and prosperity
WOMEN - family and kids.

- Men have a pronounced need to fulfill their goals, and women rank relationships with others first.

- Men get sick twice as often as women, although women tend to be more concerned about their health.

- Women take pain and loads of work better than men. (very true)

---> Overall I understand and respect men... they are very interestingly sexy creatures that I wish to learn more and get to know more


Daddy's Little Girl all GROWN UP

Ok so I begin writing this letter at the end of our Father's Day service at church . I got inspired...

I dedicated this letter to all the fathers, to-be fathers, and future fathers. I titled it Daddy's Little Girl.

Dear Dad,

I <3 you. Sometimes it is hard for me to say that cause I feel like I still don't know you. I hear from you every other month, kinda around midterm season or BIG EVENTS in my life ( in line is my college gradution but that's December.. Thank God). I have grown to be use to that (Even tho i hate it, with a passion). I kinda put up with it cause I feel I have to and should be thankful that I actually know who you are . Some say not having a relationship with your father can be a big impact on your life, I would have to agree, especially for this young woman :-)

I remember that time on the phone when you tried to talk to me about SEX... lol I was 18 years old actually :-)... i know pretty much about "the DO" thanks to pastors, youth ministers, "big brothers", and crazy guy friends over the years. LOL I also remember when you taught me how to use a leaf blower... but that's about it (Well, that's what I thought). But you know something, Dad you have taught me something.... :-) so you don't have to be mad or sad about not teaching me anything all these years.

At the age of 22, Dad I have learned how to be more patience, observant and thankful for the Men of God that God has put in my place to show me how fathers and MEN are suppose to act or treat their daughters. I value the friendships that I have growth over the years, watching these fathers take care of the kids, especially their baby girls. All this time I thought it didnt matter to me about being Daddy's lil girl... but it really did. And I know I am... I'm GOD's GIRL

I use to fear talking to men because I really didn't understand them because I really didnt understand who you were. Everytime I would get close to a man I would freeze up in fear, it's like I wanted to be myself but I just didnt know what to say or how to say it until I found out who I was and i stopped caring so much about the way I was preceived. When women are young or old, they are always looking and search for that special someone to tell them that they are beautiful, that special someone should be your father. So many young women look to other men or boys to validate them because they don't hear that in the household from other than a female which is theur mother or sister... it's not the same at all.

Dad I thank you because I can freely say that you have done a great job. Well, you have taught me the importance of communicate, when I am dating someone or trying to get to know someone communicatin is key. I don't want a distant relationship with anybody that is why I value communicate so much.

And just so you know and you probably already know because you told me that you check out my facebook time to time. I am doing fine, I'm alive children I have none.. not even five. I'm doing good actually I'm doing great becaue I am protected in my Daddy God's grace.

"It is much easier to become a father than to be one." ~Kent Nerbuwrn


Ashleah Symone Jackson

--> I wrote this letter to express how much I feel that it is important for Fathers to have a relationship with their children especially their young girls. There are too many young girls doing their own things and search out there in the world for some man to show them love... that man first an formost should be there father... then the search party will be over.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Men & Women Psychology according to Dave Chapelle

Ok, so I have a couple things on my mind and I needed a laugh so I turned to 1 of my favorite comedians. I love Dave Chapelle... and I miss him on the air. Yes, he does have a filthy mouth but he makes so much sense and he cracks me up all the time. Watch this video and comment.

Dave Chapelle - Men and Women Psychology - Very True

I think it is horrible that Men and Women can't get along.
"Chivalry is DEAD... lol"
I'm such a "flower child" but for real tho "Can we all just get along"

Hmm hopefully....

Ok so I was on the bus and i started to daydream and it was raining too... so that gave my mind even more effect so here we go...


You are on my mind right now
as I sit silently in my window seat
I think of you sitting here, right next to me
While we go on our journeys all over town
with you,
all I can do is smile not frown

With you,
I see long lasting not temporary
But then again what do you see
it's contemporary
Passionate Love
Everlasting Love
I'm not scaring you, with all this love jazz
cause I really don't mean too
I'm just expressing my feeling
Just being ASH

I'm not use to feeling this way or sort
At 1st it was a bit confusing
But now it feels easy like a playing a fun sport.

Right now, I'm feeling like a dork
You know the ones that giggle and snort

Continually feelings are strong but i like it
I can't help it... i think I'm falling in love

Nah... heck nah. i don't know you bruh
What's your name again?
Where did you come from?

I don't want to move to fast
Or to quick
Cause that's not my speed
I'm use to the slow and steady
The fast lane just might make me sick
but what I can say for now is
I'm enjoying this journey around town
Cause it give me something to think about,
reflect on
hmm maybe this friendship will grow strong

It takes two to tango
And two to keep things going
I can't do this alone,
So we will see what you will start sowing

Friday, June 11, 2010

I Can DO ALL THINGS... so don't hold me back....

Ok so all my life people have been telling me what I can do and what I can't do.. when I was younger I just accepted it. Now that i am grown I don't accept the less. So this goes out to all the people that have ever tried to play me... this is dedicated to ya'll hmm yall just made my inspiration of the day.

Hey You
Yeah, I'm talking to YOU
YOU think YOU know so much
But actually YOU know too little
YOU think YOU can tell me what I can or can't do...
Who do you think you are
Yeah thing look hazy right now but baby I'm gonna get far.

You can't tell me nothing
cause i want take YOU CAN'T for no answer

YOU want me to fail but I keep rising
and surviving
I keep standing
Nobodies gonna push me down
or make me frown
cause of some circumstances and jazz
I really wish I could tell all of y'all to kiss my ______ _____ _____
But that's not lady like
I got class
I'm more then that
Immma lady

I am about my bizness
and getting things done
It might not be in your timing
or within your schedule
But it will be done cause
I said so and I mean what I say
So until you stop treat me
or other people. Like me this way
I will always have sometimes to say.

Le' Symone

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Into the notebook... you wanna take a look in my book

Into the notebook...

So you want to know
Just ask and you'll get an answer

I'll tell you what you want to hear
so it can appear
that I am giving you what you want

U ask me what's in the notebook
I'll tell you my hopes, my dreams
my cries, my truths & my lies
my likes & dislikes...

And you say "Is that all?"
And I say "Maybe.. You'll just have to wait and see."

What about NOW, you say
And then I say NOW, Right, now
You really want it now.
I doubt you could take it if you tried it...
It's too much of me to hold on too

The hurt, pain, sorrow, & morrow
Some of the pages are drain from tears of the past i shed..
eww the spell of yesterday's tomorrow

The jokes, scribbles, doodles, & thought that u could only understand
if you use your noodle

You tell me I'm willing to take that chance
And I say OK, hmm we will see bout that, Mr Romance...

Open sesame...hmmm here's the pages of my life.. piece by piece... gone head on and read...


_ Le'Symone

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What's behind the smile...


She smiles
She grins
She smirks
But what's behind the smile
What's behind the grin
The world may never know
Until she opens up & releases what's deep down in her soul

2day all I can say is I am pretty DARN happy and my smile is all extra BIG... hmm I wonder why
Listen to this song by Uncle Kracker and find out... lol


So this is how I fee....l (I wrote this last night... I had a lot on my mind)

I feel like I am getting to CLOSE
Even though sometimes I feel like a GHOST

I feel like I want MORE
But yet I'm afraid because it's you I ADORE

I feel like jumping for joy cause I've never met someone quite like your BEFORE
But I do it in secret so I want scare you ANYMORE

WHY do I feel like this I ask myself WHY

Because every time I see your face or feel your warm embrace it makes me extremely happy INSIDE

I love this feeling.. You know this feeling but maybe I should tell you more in detail instead of being SO SHY