Thursday, April 7, 2011


I been buggin
I been feelin a bit of Up & Down
It's like someone put me in a blender
And got my head spinning around and around
That for some reason, I could no longer hear the sound
Of my own voice
You know that Inner Me that tells you
What's right & what's wrong
Which way to go & which way to turn
Who to talk to & who to leave alone

I been igoring it all
With fear that I might fall
Sadly, I know
That's not the way to go
I had fell into a pit that I had digged
And for some reason, I didnt know how to get out of it.

My mind kept on coming up with all these questions of Groupies vs. Friends...
Life or Death....
Where should I go...
When does this story end ?
I just scream out "NO, I can't do this anymore..
Sending myself into isolation... confusion... Self doubt...
That's not what I live for,
That's not what I'm about"

Back to the Norm
Back to my Regular Form
Embracing my imperfections
Leading me into the right direction
Of where I should I go
Who I should I know

I been feeling good
I been getting it in
Endlessly Winning
With a friend
Thank you God for bring me out
With you.. there is no reason to doubt.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

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