Thursday, April 7, 2011

Call Me

I want you to call me
When you're thinking of me
Yeah, texting is good
Facebook is great
But honey, I really want you to take me on a date
You know a nice night on the town
Maybe a place where nobody familar is around
Something simple & sweet
Don't be afraid to be cheesy or cheap
I just want to get away from the normal chillin & cozin in your manly cave
And start cruising & moving outdoors away from your homazes
I want to be with you
Get to know you
See if I really like you
And not just "the silly little things" that we do
You mean more to me that that
I actually care about you
And the things that you do that make you.. you
So go on head & call me boo
Hopefully, I'll see you soon.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

1 comment:

  1. Gay, I can't believe I just read this!! [just playin lmao]
