Friday, December 31, 2010

Maybe I'm CRAZY... IDK... probably....

The last thing any women would EVER want a man to call her is CRAZY

Yeah, some women do crazy things for men they so called believe they in love with but really are they truly in love...are they truly CRAZY... I don't know ever woman on the earth but I do know a few that have been called CRAZY, LOONY, PSYCHO or even FOOLISH and they have incredible stories... now these women are WISE and INSPIRING

These women inspire me NOT to make their mistakes and not to act CRAZY just like men expect us to. 

Sadly, I don't have stories of me breaking dishes, busting windows out cars, lighting houses, cars, or clothes on fire... or anything crazy like you see in movies or hear in songs. 

My life's not that kinda exciting and I care too much about what people think of me... but TRUTHFULLY, I have thought about that crap. 

I think every woman has thought about burning a man clothes cause they all smelled like the girl next-door perfume but, only a few have actually done it. I called them women CRAZY & BRAVE.. cause I would never do that stuff... the thoughts that would be popping in my head would be of course "$" signs & jail bars... I'm about to be a college graduate with no job YET... I need all the money I can hold on too, and I'm too pretty for jail. If I get place if jail, then you will def see a CRAZY side of me... they would give me a straight jacket and sent me to INSANITY... shame I know.. "Oh Mind of Me"

But anyways, overall, the last thing i would want to hear a man call me would be CRAZY cause I'm not & never will be... I just won't let that happen. I am FUNNY, CREATIVE, AMBITIOUS, BEAUTIFUL, INSPIRING, and many more... but I guess you could tell that through So This is How I Feel....  Women or Men don't let anyone get you to the point where you are losing your mind or where you they you just might be crazy. Sing Cee Lo.......


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Thursday, December 30, 2010


I feel like playing the game I Never... but with a

I Never...

I never kissed a girl & never will...ewww
I never played the lottery & I'm from Florida
I never been to Europe but I have dreams of London
I never have gotten drunk
I never liked snakes or mustard & I never will
I never been pregnant
I never been inlove or maybe I'm denial
I never watched a history documentary without falling asleep
I never pole dance or belly dance but I want to try it
I never thought saggin was sexy
I never read books & finish them but that's gonna change
I never been fishing
I never scoopa dive, sky dive, or bungee jumped
I never smoked a cigerette but i kinda want to puff on a cigar
I never had my heartbroken til now
I never had a dog name Iggy
I never dreamed a dream & it don't come true
I never thought i would be 23 & not legal
I never thought I would know all the wonderful people i know
I never knew i could turn something thats that was meant to be negativie into a positive
I never doubted God
I never thought blogging could be so fun
Ok I'm done

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wendy Meets Casper pt 1

What YOU so scared for
Ain't Ghost suppose to be..
YOU have no soul,
YOU just a spirit that needs to find home
And that's why YOU so cold
Transparent without a backbone
Flying around downtown
trying to steal the hobos' home
Yelling booooooo
thinking people will notice YOU
Do they?
They only see through YOU
cause you're a ghost
They hear your booooooooos
And Wooooooo they scared
Even feel you a bit,
that ain't ________
YOU ain't Real
Are you ?
Must be
Cause I can see...
And I don't know why
Have a clue
I feel like we are playing a game of peek-a-boooo
YOU hide,
I seek
And then I find YOU
Why do YOU
come & go
What YOU scared for?

I Can't Help What Flows out of My Soul onto the Screen

So... I wrote a poem yesterday while at work. I was bored doing the same ol same ol crap.. so I started writing and that topics of women questioning themselves came out... People always ask me where , I get my inspiration from....YOU of course &...

* Ladies & Gent that I meet on the street
* Friends & Family
* Music & Movies
* Other poets & Famous people
* Past Experience that I know or want people to relate to...
* ME - Lots of time Me inspires Me

Many people always think that everything I write... it's "All About Me" personally.. actually, I like to morph a bit of me and other people into the people that I write about.

Overall I love inspiring others, being relatable, and uplifting. I feeling like I'm making some sort of difference with a click and a button.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sometimes you just got to Lego

So... I had to much fun writing this.. I keep on laughing every time I read it.
Hope you enjoy it!!

What I Do....?

What the hell happen here
I'm tyring to retrace my steps to see
what did I do to make you disappear

Was it my breath ?
I did have a chill dog
before I kissed you
I should have warned you
Was it my new hair?
I thought you would like it
Cause I got that curl and flair
Just like that girl I saw you eyeing from over there
Was it something I said ?
I know sometimes I can run my mouth
and say all my thoughts out loud
Without thinking cause I be clowning around
Was it cause I didn't get in your bed
And give you head...
Kama Sutra intertwines
or let you lick my behind
Was it my clothes
Some say I dress to old
Not my age and I should be a bit more bold
Was it ME at all
Was it just your time to go
Maybe so
I don't know
But what I do know is
A women should never ask herself this many question
If she does then it's bout time to
Let Go

Monday, December 27, 2010

Why? Why? Tell 'em that..... it's Human Nature

I'm still awake but I'm bout to go to bed in a few. When my mind is going usually, I like to keep to myself but tonight, I let loose and talked with (2) of friends (1 male & 1 female ) on a situations that I thought I would never understand till now..

Tonight.. or may I say today I have 2 questions & they all begin with WHY?

(1) Why do WOMEN let MEN control them ?

(2) Why do MEN act like JERKS once they realize they have control? lol

The answer to both of these questions is simple We... WOMEN let them. I have these discussions almost once a week and it's always the same answer. I truly believe if we women would stop saying We are fine when a guy ask "how we are doing" then we would resolve alot of problems and confusion. Women don't be afraid to tell your dude that you hate his stinkin guts... ok you might not say those exact words but don't be afraid to tell him how you feel.. it will actually help him understand you better.

Overall Honesty & Understanding is key in any type of relationship. Be upfront & No sugar coding... Just be Real & transparent.. No hiding.. Ladies stop being PUNKS

Ok I'm going to bed.. here's Human Nature by MJ. Good Night !!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

So...My WORK is trying to TALK...?

When the moon sets
And the day is done
And it's time to rest
Will you still think of me
while you dreaming dreams
to be the best all you can be.
I know you will
Cause I'm always on your mind
All the time even tho you sometimes
leave me behind.
You always come back.
Matter Fact,
I know you doing fine.
And I will be o.k.
Because I'll see you from 9 to 5.
