Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day3 - Morning Favor

It's unbelivable how God's works and how the devil always out to defeat God's Best.  Well all I know is I have the favor of the Lord...okay we all have it cause we are his children but I really have it cause:

This morning I set my room alarm for 5 A.M. and my cellphone alarm was already preset for 4:30 A.M. but that's another story and I will get to that soon... but anyways yes I woke up on time but I still was laying down talking to God saying ten more hours please...but no had to get up for class presentation day for Retail Operations... and what took the longest was morfing my short afro into a decent shape (can't wait till it grows...patience of virtue) and picking something appropriate to where for a presentation... and it took me for example what I have on is cute but I would have really done a pencil skirt instead of a flair...oh spree in the making...but back on subject.. I left the house at 6:15 A.M., my bus leaves the mall at 6:15 A.M. I only live about 5 minutes away from the mall meaning I would have miss my bus... by I didn't cause I got that FAVOR.

When people come into my life, I know they either are coming for a reason, season, such a time as thing, or a lifetime.  Some people even come into your life to warning you about what is to come.  People come into your life for numerous of reason and those...majority of them I have favor with....blessings are always coming my way and they can come yours too.

Keys to FAVOR
+ Stay CONNECTED...not only with God but with PEOPLE
+ Be KIND and GENEROUS..Give and it 
+ Love everybody...well at least try.

Keep the FAITH, don't let nobody and said nobody get down.


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