Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Love is thinking of OTHERS,,, Lust is thinking of YOURSELF

Okay, so today was a GREAT DAY... mainly because I claimed it in advance and I stayed positive the whole day long... such a big surprise but I progressed. Yep, many things did happen to try to turn my smile upside down but I kept it flowing. But anyways, let me tell you bout my day:

Okay I am gonna start with what I learned today, this is mainly what my blog is about

Today was my first day back at Aia for Fall, the first class I had today was my Critical Thinking class AKA Thinking Critically. At first, I didn't think I was going to enjoy this class but my teacher soon changed my mind when he said this statement :

"Love is the willing of the greater good towards another" - says my teacher.

And I agree with his one hundred percent. Mainly because we as people have butchered LOVE into something selfish which is actually not LOVE at all it LUST.

Love is something self- less... something that is suppose to benefit the other person... not you alone. Well, I have to go be productive and finish my Thinking Critically homework. Later.




  1. Burke is freakin awesome and he will do nothing but awaken your mind and have you view life entirely different. You will not fall asleep, I promise you. I was also iffy about the class until he started talking and joking around. He's a cool dude, knows his stuff, and ur freakin lucky to have him!
