Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So Right now I am waiting at Perimeter with the elderly for my Chickfila...I really should have got my behind on the train like I was suppose to and just got my breakfast at the one by the school they would have been open I bet..but what time does Chickfila actually, I don't know, all I know is when I get my food I am grubbing and jetting because I have to get to school in enough time to be able to my work but anyways.

This Morning I am feeling pretty good...I guess.
I'm trying to smile but I really don't feel like it...like Last night I really didn't feel like being at work... I was all like Why am I here...why are we here... can we all just go home...It's the day before Labor Day... I was really trippin last night.

And then last night I came clean about everything was going on with me to my boyfriend/best friend in whole wide world.  It feels good now that I have told him everything... but I still feel horrible cause I disappointed him as a friend and as a girlfriend.

This whole relationship is extremely tough when u are:
* Out of state
* Best friends
* Really care about each other

It's hard and usually I'm not up for a challenge like this but when it comes to him I willing to keep trying
He is!! It's crazy but I had it all set in my mind that we were gonna break up... I was all prepared for the negative cause that's all there was.

Well it's over now I learn to be mindful of who you open your heart to... and I am mindful of also who I let into my circle of friends.  For these 30 days, I really don't care about staying in contact with peoplew because I really need to get myself together... I was to be a better me, God, my family & friends, and my boyfriend.


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