Tuesday, July 21, 2009

OMG Why am I so curious

Okay I am the type of girl that wants to know everything and about everything. I don't want anything hidden from me... I hate secrets... cause I automatically want to know... what's going on. OMG I don't know why I am so curious... but I am. I guess the reason for my curiosity is I just want to be in the know... there are so many things that I don't know... there are so many things that I have seen... that I want to see... that really excites me. It's crazy cause my curiosity can either do me good or just plain old get me in trouble.

Like for today... lately I been going thru alot of changes... and I mean changes. And I got this little zanzy little phone that you can freakin do everything on... it's a cool TOP NOTCH phone that I cherish and is very thankful to have... Thanks YP... love ya girl... but anyways I was on youtube and like I am always looking up random things... and having fun with it too. But this time, I look up 1 Guy 1 Cup.... If you haven't heard of this mess... good and don't google it either... it's nasty horrible. I didn't watch the video... I just watched people's reactions to the video... and it frightened me... but here the thing... even though I was freakin scared I still want to watch the freakin video. lol

When we start think on things such as desires... our mind, soul, and body which equals are flesh... start to hunger for more. It's crazy that I am finally getting it. But I am .

That's just how I feeel,

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