Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Me, Myself, & My Thoughts - Part1

Ok so I really need to stop over thinking everything. For some odd reason every time I over think a situation it either makes it worse then it really is or I end up hurting some one that I care about. it's a problem that I am taking action to. FIRST , I got to figure out the cause to why I over think, so much.

Why do I always have to think everything out?
Why must i analyze every situation that come my way?

THEN I must find a solution.

I really want to be a person that goes with the wind or with the flow. I think that will happen once I start back RELAXING again. And I found out that stress kills so I don't want to died any time soon... so I'm getting myself in check ASAP.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you over-think stuff because you don't want to mess something up or what ever your thinking about is important to you, because if it weren't important you wouldn't care enough to think about it.
    Truthfully I think its good to think and examine things in your life, but you just have to remember some things are out of your hands and should be left in God's hands, also somethings just worth wasting your energy on thinking about. Its just a matter of not letting all the stuff stress you out.
