Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hmm, that's LIFE

When there is ALOT on my noggin, I go back to bloggin...

I want MORE
But maybe MORE is to much for me to handle right now
Well, in this lifetime
Right now,
Right here,
I want so much
that it sometimes brings me to tears
Tears of frustratingly waiting,
And anxiously patenting,
the way for my future to come to past
At last,
it finally seem as if I am getting some where
Near or far
My heart is definitely with the stars
that shine so bright
Oh yeah,
that's what I like
I can hear it now
My name being shouted some where over there in the limelight
The lights that are so bright
that you automatically forget who's in sight
You stop caring about what's wrong or right
And just start doing whatever you feel you might like
Hmm, that's LIFE

Lesson : Be anxious for nothing, all things have a season, time, and purpose in your life, all things are not given to you all at once.. they come in portions... and Never carry a heavy load that you can't carry alone

~Ash~ (Patience of Virtue, Lil One)

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