Monday, March 28, 2011


Ok so I have a couple of goals that I need to accomplished for the next couple months before June 18 which is the day of my Graduation Ceremony.

Since I am already out of school, I have enough time to accomplish all these tasks & I have the help, so there will be no worries.

(1) Driver's License - I have to & need to get them asap. And when I get them... I'm only gonna tell a few people... the others will find out on their own.. like the might see me driving on the street right next to them & they will say "what... when did that happen? " & I will just smile & say in my head bow thaodow how ya like me now & keep it moving since i would be driving I'M READY... BEEN READY... now I have the time.. so I'm good

(2) Resumes OUT - My resume looks fab & I need employers too see it so I'm gonna go to all the malls mainless, Town Center, Perimeter, & Lenox cause girlfriend needs a J-O-B asap

(3) - Phone Calls - I have a couple of phone calls to make to get info about "The Future" so I'm gonna make a couple phone calls this week. Petra Alexander & Touch By An Angel are calling my name loud & clear

(4) Cut off Usless waste - Somethings or some people I no longer need in my life.... its funny cause I just notice that i use people as much as the use me... I use people as a security blanket sometimes like when im starting something new... I like to make myself feel like they are holding me back but in reality I'm the one that's holding myself back... so I got to make some changes & move a head :-)

(5) Tithing/Offering - this should have been my 1st goals because i been putting it last for the last couple of months & thats not good... God has been too good to me to put him last... I'm working on alot of stuff.. but nothing to hard unless i make it that way

(6) Promoting MYSELF aka DESCOVA U - I did such a great job in my Portfolio Review with my teachers & Portfolio Show was awesome... so I need to promote myself more often... like carrying my business cards with me at all times

+++These goals are pretty simple... cant wait to accomplished them... I love setting goals+++
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Sunday, March 27, 2011


Ready for a Change

Ready for something new
Ready to meet new people in a new state
Ready to fall in love or may I say grow in love but with who
Ready to start my life as an offical adult
Ready to move
Ready to get what needs to be got

Overall I'm just ready for Newness... I just recently graduate from college... and I'm ready to move into my life as an REAL adult doing big things.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Who are You ?

Baby, where are you?
Sometimes I wish I could be near you
Or with you
Every step of the way
Watching you from behind just doing ya thang
Smiling to myself or to my girls saying things like
That's my guy
I can't even lie
He just make me feel so alive
Inside & Out
I could never doubt
That he loves me
As much as I love him
On daily
I want to see you
Or just hear from you
So I can know what's up with you
But first things first
Who are you?
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