Friday, January 6, 2012

To write each day...

Today I have decided that I must write something each day even if it's just one sentence. One sentence can inspire someone in many ways that I don't know. I have to let God use me in all the ways that he can through all the gifts he has stored inside me.

One simple sentence can brighten somebodies day or at least make that frown go away.

I live for Today
And Tomorrow
No longer will the sorrows
From Yesterday borrow
My heart,
My soul,
My mind,
They belong to me & God
All the time.

Yep....this is going to be a great year of opportunity, I can feel it !!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011


Why is it so easy to give up & quit ?
Like right now I feel like throwing in the towel
but my pride won't let me give up.
Man I want to go to NYC so bad
I'm finish with college & NYC would be my next step to getting to my dreams
Someone encourage me


Right now I feel...

  • sad
  • mad
  • frustrated
  • bloated 
  • confused
  • incomplete
How I want to feel...
  • happy
  • accomplished
  • thankful
  • complete
Right now I feel like nobody cares about me.... I feel like the only thing they care about is what they can benefit from me like my time, my love, my attention,. and etc.

I feel like nobody wants me to succeed or get a head in life, they all just want me to stay stagnant & stay in one place but I can't that's not me.

I'm a creative and I must move.... I must visit new places so I can increase my mind & learn more.

I want to be happy but it seems like nobody wants my happiness... they just want me to make them happy & that's it.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Miserable 101

Right now
I wish I had someone to talk to
Feeling really sad
hope this doesn't get bad
this is all temperately

Friday, May 6, 2011

I Miss YOu

I been thinking bout this for a while now
Like how you use to make me smile
Time has past since I been with you
You probably dont have a clue that I actually miss you
I miss the you before all the downfall
I miss the you so ambitious & goal oriented
The you that never treated me like a doll
Some toy you just pick up & put down when ever needing entertainment or to turn ya frown upside down
I miss the you that had such a heart filled with joy that you could never tell that ya heart was actually destroy
I miss you
But maybe that was never you
& just a cover up to get me to like you
IDK I just miss you but I know you ok :-)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

Monday, May 2, 2011

Missing you..

What should I do when I'm missing you
Should I wait till you call me
Or should I call you
Since I'm the one that's feeling lonely
It's not really Loneliness per say
It's just ___________________________
Idk forget it
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I want....

I am a women
Yet I still feel like a girl
Maybe cause i still have that twist & turl
That the young girls do
I dont know
All I know is
I want what I want
What I want want want
Yeah like Rihanna
But not complete like her
Cause she get coocoo
And that aint me

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8